Friday, April 8, 2011

One Nerds Quest

My PS3 broke on me the other day. I can’t say I didn’t see it coming though because back in December it stopped reading blu-ray discs. I was upset, but I could still play games I downloaded from the PSN so all was sort of good. It was kind of sudden though. I was in the middle of playing through Scott Pilgrim vs. The World again to try to get the remaining trophies when the system shut down mid ass kicking. She powered down for the last time and took my save files with her.  Instead of getting angry or sad, I decided to embark on a quest. I intend to beat the NES games I never could when I was a kid. It doesn’t sound that difficult until you find out that among those games are Battletoads and Ghosts N’ Goblins. No other games have given me more frustration over the years than those two. I used to have nightmares about the hover bike level in Battletoads and dreams of what Ghosts N’ Goblins looked like after level 3. Well now is the time to kick ass and chew bubblegum! I’m not just doing this for me, but for the others that these games have tormented since their childhood. Well I guess I’m mostly doing this because my PS3 broke and i need something else to play….but those other things are important too! Wish me luck, I’m gonna need a whole hell of a lot of it.

Friday, January 14, 2011

My First Video Game System(s): The Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) and GameBoy

            Like many others, the NES was my first video game system. Well, it wasn’t really mine it was my dads, but that’s not the point. It was a gray box of awesome. So simple in design and yet it was cool looking.  Also like many others, Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt was the first game I played. It was simple and it was fun. You could run and jump, that was it, and it was fantastic! It was also the first video game I beat. I was so excited when I beat it that it was all I could talk about for the next couple of weeks. I had friends coming over to watch me play and beat the game because they didn’t believe me. There was only 1 game that I put more time into on the NES, and that game was Final Fantasy. Final Fantasy blew my tiny mind. I could name people, choose the type of fighters I wanted to use and save an entire world! I wasn’t that good at it though. Luckily my dad played too. I used to watch him play for awhile and when he was done I would just copy what he did.  I had other games too, I just can’t remember most of them. I do remember Batman, Legend of Zelda, Zelda 2, Castlequest and Shadowgate. As awesome as the system was, it was also frustrating. I was constantly greeted with the dreaded blue screen of death and always blowing into the game cartridges to try to get them to work. Not sure why that worked, but it did. I still have my NES and replaced the pin connecter and it works even better than it did back in the day. 
I also had the Gameboy at that time too. The Gameboy was even more impressive to me because I could take it with me anywhere and play it and I loved that.  It obviously wasn’t as good as the NES, but you couldn’t fit the NES in your pocket. Well, you couldn’t really fit a Gameboy in your pocket either because the thing was huge, but I could hold it in my hand no problem. I kept it and all my games in this G.I Joe box. I have no idea where the box came from or what was in it. I just remember having it and storing games in it. I still have it actually. Not sure what’s in it now though….maybe gold! *tears room apart looking for the box, finds it  and opens it* Nope, no gold. Just some old school papers and a yoyo.

Both the NES and Gameboy would have to keep me entertained for a good number of years because I wouldn’t get my next system until Christmas of 1996. That was both a blessing and a curse…

Thursday, January 13, 2011

What I'm working on.

       Not that anyone really cares, but I’m going to tell you about my video game history. I’ll start with my first system and end with my most recent. Actually I might just split each system up and have a blog for each one. You all can read and comment on them if you want, but this is really just me reminiscing about growing up. I also think it’s a great way for me to keep my brain functioning properly. Anyway, I’ll start on the first blog either later today or tomorrow. I guess I didn’t really need to write a blog about what to expect from my blog, but it’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything and I wanted some kind of update.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The garbage poem

I went into the kitchen and heard a voice
It sounded deep and old and rather moist
“Won’t you help me” The deep voice said.
I looked around nervously with my head.

Just then I realized where the voice came from
I turned and looked and spit out my gum
I quickly covered my mouth with my hand
Because the voice was coming from the garbage can.

“I am too full” The can did say
“Could you please empty me sometime today?”
“Of course” said I “I will empty you now”
The can did smile and  lifted his brow.

I took out the trash bag with most haste
Came back inside, washed my hands and face.
Replaced the old bag with a new
Picked up my gum and started to chew.

“Thank you so much” said the can
“I have just become your number one fan!”
We both laughed and said goodbye
But I’ll be back when the time is nigh.

Monday, January 3, 2011

The blog about nothing

I have spent the last hour and a half trying to come up with something to write. Should it be about a movie I saw recently? Or maybe a video game I have been playing. Nothing is springing to mind. I’ve never actually written anything before and did not think it would be this hard to come up with a topic and write about a page and half about it. How do you people do it? Maybe it gets easier the more you do it or maybe you are all just way more talented than me. I going to guess it has something to do with both. I have no problems talking about stuff, but can’t translate that same passion to paper, or in this case electronic witchcraft. I’m starting to think this whole blog thing was a bad idea. If I can’t even come up with an interesting topic to keep myself occupied with then what’s the point? Whatever, I’ll keep at it and hope I can get better. Sorry for wasting your time.